Direttore: Fabio Marri

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Feb 27, 2024 1610volte

Oggi 28 Febbraio si aprono le iscrizioni alla lotteria per la New York City marathon 2024

Oggi 28 Febbraio si aprono le iscrizioni alla lotteria per la New York City  marathon 2024 ph Stefano Morselli/Podisti.Net

Da oggi e sino al 21 marzo 2024, sul sito tcsnycmarathon.org ci si puo' iscrivere alla lotteria dei pettorali per la maratona di New York 2024.
Se si verrà sorteggiati, si potrà evitare di passare dai tour operator.

New York Road Runners to Open 2024 TCS New York City Marathon Application Wednesday, February 28

New York, February 27, 2024 – New York Road Runners (NYRR), the NYC-based nonprofit which produces more than 60 adult and youth races annually, will open the runner application for the 2024 TCS New York City Marathon, Wednesday, February 28. Runners can apply for the race’s non-guaranteed entry drawing at tcsnycmarathon.org through March 21 and will find out the status of their application on Drawing Day, March 28.

The TCS New York City Marathon takes place November 3 and is New York City’s best day of the year in sports, attracting more than 50,000 runners of all backgrounds, ages, and abilities from around the five boroughs, the country, and the world.

If runners do not receive an entry through the drawing, they can still obtain an entry to the 2024 TCS New York City Marathon through an Official Charity Partner, International Tour Operator, or NYRR Team for Kids. A complete list of entry methods can be found here, including a new NYRR Member-Only Second Chance Drawing.

Important Dates for Runners

  • February 28: Application for the entry drawing opens at 12:00 p.m. ET
  • March 21: Application window closes at 11:59 p.m. ET
  • March 28: Drawing takes place and runners are notified of their status

Last year’s TCS New York City Marathon was the world’s largest marathon with more than 51,000 finishers.

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